viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

The use of Technologies within Physical Anthropology

Along with the advance of scientific knowledge, the advance in the sophistication of technologies helps us to obtain more accurate data in relation to the specific question we are trying to resolve. In physical anthropology this is no exception, and technology is a very important point inside the discipline. Along this year we have the opportunity to work with a variety of new and old technologies that aim to resolve the problems derivate from the inherit process of obtaining the data. Also the use of informatics technologies helps to the process of data management, and comparison between samples.

In this year we have the opportunity to use calipers and spreading caliper for take measurements of the skull for the Physical Anthropology subject, this with the objective of comparing the different populations, assuming that in some point the craniofacial morphology has a genetic correlate. This two are basic and some sort of simple instruments for take measurements with millimeter specificity. Along with this, and in the same subject, we use an osteometric board for take measurements for the length of long bones, in other things to estimate the total length of the individual, using different formulas taken from a specific population.

In Statistic we learn how to use a statistical software called SPSS (now called PASW), this with the objective to learn how to manage data and how to compare and take significant results from it. Although we learn this in a specific subject, this knowledge has served us to all the other ones, because in the most of them we have to use quantitative data, and we have to know how to manage it. In the bioinformatic subject we learnt how to use informatics tools specifically how to obtain DNA sequence from the web, and how to manage this data. Along with this there is software that compares the sequence or search similar sequence: using these tools in a good way you can reconstruct the evolutionary trend of a specific gene.

In conclusion, technologies are a very important point inside physical anthropology, both for taking the measurements and to manage and compare them between populations. The actual trend is to obtain even more sophistical instruments for taking the measurement (like digital calipers), and more sophistical software for even more numerous data and to relate them to more variables that explain the results. This with the final objective to be more accurate with the measurement and to be able to rely more in the final results of an investigation.

1 comentario:

Juan Luzzi dijo...

Thank you for your interesting post. This term I have learnt many new things about anthrpology.

Along with the advance of scientific knowledge, the advance in the sophistication of technologies helps us to obtain more accurate data in relation to the specific question we are trying to resolve. In physical anthropology this is no exception, and technology is a very important point inside the discipline. DURING this year we have HAD the opportunity to work with a variety of new and old technologies that aim to resolve the problems derivED from the inherENT process of obtaining the data. Also the use of informatics technologies helps to the process of data management, and comparison between samples.

This year we haD the opportunity to use calipers and spreading caliper for takING measurements of the skull IN the Physical Anthropology subject, this WAS with the objective of comparing the different populations, assuming that in some point the craniofacial morphology has a genetic correlate. ThESE two are basic and some sort of simple instruments for takING measurements with millimeter specificity. Along with this, and in the same subject, we use an osteometric board TO take measurements OF the length of long bones, AMONG other things to estimate the total length of the individual, using different formulas taken from a specific population.

In StatisticS we learn how to use a statistical software called SPSS (now called PASW), this with the objective OF learnING how to manage data and how to compare and take significant results from it. Although we learn this in a specific subject, this knowledge has served us IN all the other ones, because in (/) most of them we have to use quantitative data, and we have to know how to manage it. In the bioinformatic subject we learnt how to use informatics tools specifically how to obtain A DNA sequence from the web, and how to manage this data. Along with this there is A software that compares the sequence or searchES similar sequenceS: using these tools in a good way you can reconstruct the evolutionary trend of a specific gene.

In conclusion, technologies are a very important point inside physical anthropology, both for taking the measurements and to manage and compare them between populations. The actual trend is to obtain even more sophisticaTED instruments for taking the measurement (like digital calipers), and more sophisticaTED software for even more numerous data and to relate them to more variables that explain the results. This with the final objective to be more accurate with the measurement and to be able to rely more ON the final results of an investigation.